Frequently Asked Questions
What is therapy like?
At the beginning of our work together we’ll start by getting clear about what your goals are. You may already know what those are or you may need help getting clear about the change or support you’re looking for, so it’s just fine if we sort that out together. Then we’ll discover what’s getting in your way and begin practicing strategies in session that you will take with you and practice in your daily life.
Can therapy help me?
Yes! The research shows that emotional and behavioral interventions do work to treat PTSD, anxiety, depression, and other mental health concerns. The other exciting news is that when we improve our mental health we also improve our physical health. Check out this article
What will we discuss in therapy?
Ooh, good question, that really depends on what your goals are. Some pieces that usually come up in therapy are how you learned to relate to others through your early family, friend, and love relationships. This gives me an idea of your perspective, are you a loner, do you worry a lot about how others see you? Your attachment style can influence not only how you interact with others, but how you treat yourself. Making repairs in this area can lead to a lot more confidence and resilience. Because I consider not only your thoughts and you emotions, but how those pieces impact your body, I also often check in about what cues your body is giving you. This way of working can help you connect your body and your mind, then you get to feel like yourself from the inside out.
Will you prescribe medication?
As an LPC I am not able to prescribe. If we find that a combination of therapy and medication is the best route for you, I’ll be happy to refer you to a psychiatrist to evaluate what medications might be beneficial. I take the collaborative approach, so I’m happy to speak with your psychiatrist, primary care physician, or any other practitioners you are working with.
I feel like I have my problems under control. Do I really need therapy?
Well, that depends. There are times when we have the time, energy, and financial resources to make things manageable, and there are times when we want to work beyond the “good enough” to get by to the “my life is actually good overall”. Therapy isn’t just for crisis situations, it can be for growing into the life you want and the self you’re more comfortable with.
What are your fees?
80 minute initial session $285
50 minute individual session $190
50 minute couples session $225
Will my insurance cover our sessions? How does that work?
You’ll need to contact you insurance company to determine if they reimburse for out of network providers. If they do, I’ll be happy to provide you with the superbill they require you to submit. Just a reminder, some insurance providers first require you to meet your deductible before they are willing to reimburse for services.
Do you offer a sliding scale?
I do offer sliding scale on a limited basis. Please note that all sliding scale slots are currently full.
What if I cannot make it to a session? What is your cancellation policy?
If you cannot make it to a session you have scheduled, please let me know as soon as you can. For sessions cancelled without 48 hours notice I will charge the fee of your session as I’ve allotted that time for you.
Will you get tired of me talking about the same things over and over again?
In short, no. Sometimes you need to bring the same concern to the table several times before there is movement. If you’ve been challenged in the same area for a long period of time, the process of getting unstuck will likely happen over time, and not in a single session.
What if therapy doesn't work for me?
I ask clients to commit to three weekly sessions to determine if we’re a good fit. It can take some time to trust both me as a therapist, and the process of therapy (especially if this is a pain point for you coming in), and giving it a little time is helpful. If we find that you aren’t getting your needs met that might mean we aren’t a good fit, but not necessarily that therapy isn’t right for you. If that’s the case, we’ll work together to find someone who might better meet your needs. Some people do find that they prefer other means of healing and growth and we can identify other resources that might be a better fit for you.
What's the next step in getting started?
To get started you can schedule a 15 minute phone or video consultation through the link at the bottom of this page.
Do you have evening or weekend availability?
I offer sessions Monday-Wednesday 10am-4pm
How will I schedule my appointments?
You are welcome to schedule online through the client portal, with me at the end of a session, or by emailing GiGi, my client care coordinator, at